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Lifey – compliments and brands 1.1 - App Store

About Lifey – compliments and brands

Two girls are in a caf : - Who are you looking at? - That girl s dress over there... I love it. - Wait, using this app you can compliment her and find out where she bought her dress! - Wow, I need to get this! How it...

Two girls are in a caf : - Who are you looking at? - That girl s dress over there... I love it. - Wait, using this app you can compliment her and find out where she bought her dress! - Wow, I need to get this! How it works: -A Positive Approach Every time you notice something beautiful in others, your world becomes more beautiful. Let someone know they've put a smile on your face! -Here and Now Lifey works best with people nearby. Check-in at your favorite places and give compliments to the people you see right now. Spend more time in real life. -Good for the Body and Soul Scientifically proven: complimenting people helps you become healthier and more beautiful. -Free and Simple Signup To give or receive a compliment, you don't need to give your phone number, email or Facebook account. Just write your name on the cup (we won't misspell it, we promise!). If you don t like someone s compliment, just say, "No thanks!" Lifey is a safe and positive community. -Natural Beauty You're more beautiful in real life. Let others see your true self and tell you what they love about you! Return the favor to build a more kind and confident community. -Represent Your Favorite Brands and Products When you accept a compliment, you can share the secret to your success. Give credit to your favorite brands, and you just might get some sweet deals in return! The more you're complimented about the same company's products, the higher you rise in their ranks, which can lead to some serious incentives.

Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of Lifey – compliments and brands since it was posted on our website on 2016-11-03 19:55:59. The latest version is 1.1 and it was updated on 2024-04-22 18:42:49. See below the changes in each version.

Lifey – compliments and brands version 1.1
Updated At: 2016-10-04

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Official App Store Link

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Downloads: 2
Updated At: 2024-04-22 18:42:49
Publisher: Lifey Inc.
Operating System: IOS
License Type: Free